We are artists empowering artists by helping them expose and present their unique forms of expressions. Our experience with interactive art, information architecture, digital strategies and tools, programming and physical computer allow us to not only create dynamic interactive web interfaces to reflect their artistic expressions but also be active collaborators in their artistic projects.
Our approach to art is a reflection of our multi-cultural and syncretic heritage, a rich entanglement of aesthetic and cultural expressions, combined with Roy Ascott’s vision of technoetic art, which aims to explore consciousness and connectivity through the creative use of technologies. Independent of any specific medium, we seek to transcend everyday assumptions, physical constraints, and social barriers to reveal the possibilities of different realities coexisting, informing and being informed by one another in the creation of new and unique approaches. We think of ourselves as a storytellers who use different types of narratives to promote different perceptions. Our own aesthetic expressions are conceptually diverse, technically skilled, frequently humorous, and always quirky; and aim to invite, prompt, and provoke fresh narratives in consciousness.

Art is a kind of language that assists us in the creation and comprehension of our world. An artwork is successful if it alters our modes of perceiving and interacting with the world around us.
Stop thinking about art works as objects, and start thinking about them as triggers for experiences.